Barn Cams

Our barn cams stream live year round and will offer you a window into our barn and farm to view foals being born, to watch the foals grow up, preview donkeys that are for sale or to enjoy watching donkeys interact with one another.
Hawkwind's Cam #1
Hawkwind's Cam #2
If you see a miniature donkey in trouble or possibly in labor please call 269-998-2416. Please don’t hesitate to call if you think there is a problem. If for some reason I'm unable to answer please leave a message. There are a couple of spots on our farm including the barn where my cell phone doesn't always work. As soon as I step away from these places my cell phone will ring with your message. If you don't get a return call or see me in the barn shortly please contact a moderator and also post on our main farm message board they have emergency phone numbers to contact me and other family members.
Our jennets will be outside during the day, weather permitting, unless I feel that delivery is imminent or I have to leave the farm for an extend period of time. Please check Mare Stare's message board for updates.
We would also appreciate a call if our barn cam is down during the night for more than a few minutes.
"Thank you so much for joining us in our barn and helping us welcome our newest addition.”